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  5. 6325-Dachshund (Poil Dur) 34cm.L

6325-Dachshund (Poil Dur) 34cm.L

HTC: 6325

Category: Farm & Domestic


  • Type: Mammal
  • Size: 8 to 12 inches
  • Weight: 9 to 20 pounds
  • Ave. Life Span: 12 to 15 years
  • Group Name: Pack
  • Description The Dachshund, which originated in Germany, is a small breed of dog with an elongated muscular body and short legs. Although they have extremely elastic skin, they do not have wrinkles. Other notable features of Dachshunds include their dark almond-shaped eyes, ears located near the top of their head, strong teeth, long muscular neck, powerful legs, and compact feet. This dog breed has three varieties of coat namely, shorthaired coat, wirehaired coat, and longhaired coat. The first type is characterized by short and shiny coat, the second one features a coarse outer coat and fine undercoat, while the last one consists of slightly wavy and sleek hair. Originally, Dachshunds were used for tracking and hunting badgers and other burrow-dwelling creatures. However, nowadays, they are among the most popular pets. Generally, this breed of dog is daring, playful, and curious. Aside from hunting, they also love digging and chasing. Although Dachshunds typically do well with strangers, they may also be aloof and may even snarl. Just like other dog breeds, they also need exercise on a daily basis in the form of playing and walks to stay healthy. Those with longhaired coats need daily brushing, while wirehaired ones require trimming about twice a year. On the other hand, Dachshunds with shorthaired coat need regular wiping with damp cloth.

    Status The Dachshund ranked 13th in the American Kennel Club’s 2015 list of the most popular dogs in the United States two years ago.

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