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3064-Brown Bat Hanging 37 cm.L

HTC: 3064

Category: Aviary

Brown Bat Hanging

  • Type: Mammal
  • Size: 2.5 inches to 4 inches; wingspan of up to 11 inches
  • Weight: 5 grams to 14 grams (0.2– 0.5 oz)
  • Diet: Insectivore
  • Ave. life span: 6 to 7 years
  • Group name: Colony

Description The Little Brown Bat is a common species of bats that has a body size of just 2.5 to 4 inches and a wingspan of up to 11 inches. The fur of the animal is dark brown in color, while its short, rounded ears are color black. Compared to males, females are bigger in size. Little brown bats are classified as insectivores, and their diet typically involves moths, mosquitoes, wasps, mayflies, beetles, among other insects. In order to find their prey, these flying mammals use echolocation. When the prey is above the water, the bats grab it with their mouth. Meanwhile, they can also scoop up the insect with their wings when in flight.  These mammals sleep during the day and do the hunting at night. Normally, the mating season begins in the month of August and the babies are born after about two months. These newborn bats are initially dependent on their mother for food, but after a month, they can already fly and hunt insects by themselves. This species of bats lives around swamp lands, caves, rocks, and trees in the United States and Canada. The largest recorded population of Little Brown Bats in the United States is in New Hampshire. They are also well-known in Alaska, Arkansas, and Georgia.

Status The populations of Little Brown Bats are declining because of White Noise Syndrome, which is a disease carried by a fungus. White Noise Syndrome affects bats during hibernation and can cause death. In Canada, this animal is categorized as endangered because approximately 94% of the whole population in the eastern half of Canada has died over the past few years due to White Noise Syndrome.

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