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  5. 6592-Tiger Jacquard Standing 140cm.L

6592-Tiger Jacquard Standing 140cm.L

HTC: 6592

Category: Asiatic


  • Type: Mammal
  • Size: 6 feet
  • Weight: 720 lbs
  • Diet: Carnivore
  • Ave Life Span: 20 years
  • Group Name: Streak or Ambush
  • Description The tiger, which is considered the biggest wild cat in the planet, can naturally be found in China, Southeast Asia, Russian Far East, and South Asia. Its most distinct characteristic is its reddish-orange coat that feature dark stripes. They prefer living in tropical forests, woodlands, savannahs, mangrove swamps, evergreen forests, and grasslands. Tigers are generally solitary creatures which hunt alone. They are classified as carnivorous animals, and their diet typically consists of antelope, deer, monkeys, water buffalo, sloth bears, wild pigs, dogs, and other smaller animals. They have a huge appetite, and can normally eat an average of 12 pounds of meat at one sitting. Moreover, they can consume over 60 pounds of food in just one night. In some cases, it takes a couple of days before a tiger finishes eating its fresh kill. When the tiger has some leftovers, it uses dirt and leaves to cover it and save it for later. These animals have excellent senses of sight and hearing– making them great hunters. Aside from their exceptional hunting ability, they are also good swimmers.

    Status According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, tigers are listed as Endangered. Some of the major threats to their species include loss of habitat and overhunting for their fur and body parts that used for medicinal purposes.

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