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6051-Blue Marlin 65cmL

HTC: 6051

Category: Aquatic

Blue Marlin

  • Type: Fish
  • Size: Up to 14 ft
  • Weight: Up to 1,985 lbs
  • Diet: Carnivore
  • Ave. Life Span: Up to 27 years
  • Group name: School

Description The Blue Marlin is the biggest among Atlantic marlins and also one of the largest fishes in the entire world. The back side of this fish is dark blue in color, while its belly is silver white. Other notable characteristics include its upper jaw that is shaped like a sharp spear, elongated body, prominent dorsal fin, and an elongated body. The blue marlin utilizes its spear-shaped jaw to slash through schools of fish and catch its preys. Aside from fishes, such as tuna and mackerel, blue marlins also eat squids, crustaceans, and dolphins. This type of fish is one of the fastest swimmers and depends on its sense of sight when hunting. With this, blue marlins catch food during the day. They are also very active, powerful, and they frequently leap out of the water. Compared to males, female blue marlins are bigger and their length can reach up to 14 feet. These fishes naturally inhabit the tropical and temperate waters of the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Ocean. Generally, the blue marlins are considered solitary animals, but they may sometimes go in pairs. On rare occasions, they gather in bigger groups called “schools”. They also migrate and move to waters with warmer temperatures.

Status According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the blue marlin is listed as Vulnerable. Some of the major threats that these fishes face include overfishing, accidental collisions with boats, and bycatching.

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