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  5. 4117-Emperor Tamarin 30 cm.H

4117-Emperor Tamarin 30 cm.H

HTC: 4117

Category: Americas

Emperor Tamarin

  • Type: Mammal
  • Size: 7 in to 12 in
  • Weight: 220 g to 900 g
  • Diet: Omnivore
  • Ave. Life Span: 8 to 15 years
  • Group name: Troop
  • Description The Emperor Tamarin, which is a small species of monkey, got its name because of its white moustache that looks similar with that of the German Emperor Wilhelm II. These monkeys can naturally be found in the forests of South America—the Bearded Emperor Tamarin lives in the rainforests of Peru and Brazil, while the black-chinned Emperor Tamarin inhabits the rainforests of Bolivia, Peru, and Brazil. The color of the fur of these monkeys is grey, while their hands and feet are black and their tail is brown. They are more active during the day and rests on treetops at night. Emperor Tamarins are classified as omnivores and normally eat fruits, green vegetation, insects, eggs, small rodents, tree sap, and small reptiles. On the other hand, their predators include wild cats, birds of prey, dogs, and snakes. Their breeding season is between April and July, and the female gives birth after 4 to 5 months of gestation. Compared to the female Emperor Tamarin, the male carries and grooms the young more than the mother does. However, the mother cleans the newborn more than the male parent does. Aside from the parents, the siblings also take care of the baby Emperor Tamarin. After 2 to 5 weeks, the young starts to become mobile, and after 4 to 7 weeks, it starts ingesting solid food. When it reaches 10 to 18 weeks, the young one starts to be independent and is totally independent at 15 to 25 weeks.

    Status According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, Emperor Tamarins are classified as Least Concern. However, the populations of these monkeys have declined because of several threats, such as human encroachment and deforestation.

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