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  5. 3083-Kiwi 28 cm.H

3083-Kiwi 28 cm.H

HTC: 3083

Category: Aviary


  • Type: Bird
  • Size: 25cm – 45cm (9.8 in – 17 inches); wingspan of 40cm – 60cm (15.7in – 23.6in)
  • Weight: 1.3kg – 3.3kg (2.6lbs – 7.3lbs)
  • Diet: Omnivore
  • Ave. Life Span: 8 – 12 years
  • Group name: Tribe
  • Description The kiwi is a flightless bird that naturally lives in the jungles and forests of New Zealand. This bird is fuzzy, color brown, and at around the same size as that of a domestic chicken. Because the kiwi cannot fly due to its heavy weight and short wingspan, the kiwi spends most of it time foraging in the forests. Its beak is around one-third of its body, and it uses this in searching and hunting for food in the forest floor. These flightless birds are categorized as omnivores because they eat fruits, plant material, worms, spiders, and insects. Kiwis are considered nomadic because they do not stay in one place and move from one spot to another. During daytime, they dig burrows in which they sleep in when nighttime falls. In the following day, they would find another place and create a new burrow. This is the normal behavior of kiwis except when the females are nesting to lay eggs. The female typically lays around 5 eggs per clutch, and for most of the time, it is the male which incubates the laid eggs. Generally, this type of bird is solitary, but kiwis can also live in pairs for some parts of their lives. The female is the dominant one and is larger compared to the male kiwi.

    Status Currently, the kiwi is classified as endangered primarily because of introduced predators such as dogs, weasels, cats, and rats that do not only hunt the kiwi but also eat the bird’s eggs. There are several organizations which implement conservation initiatives aimed at protecting the remaining population of these flightless birds. The biggest of these conservation projects is headed by the Bank of New Zealand.

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